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The core fee for a Torah and Tourniquets Workshop is $250.  Maximum group size is 20 participants.

A $25 materials fee is added to each workshop. This covers single-use materials (such as gauze pads and certificates) as well as wear-and-tear of reusable items (such as tourniquets and mannequin appendages).

Travel fees will vary depending on location.  NYC-based communities will cover the cost of taxi/uber to transport materials to site; non-NYC-based communities will have more substantial travel and accommodation costs.  However, efforts can be made to schedule multiple workshops with various communities in the same geographic area, within a limited timeframe for the sake of splitting travel and accomodation fees between organizations.

**Interested in attending a workshop, but not a part of a Jewish community?  Revisit our website in the coming months for opportunities to purchase a ticket to a public workshop!**

Pricing: Welcome
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